120+ Powerful Christian Quotes to Inspire You Difficult Times

Christian quotes have the biggest power and may make a big impact on our lives. Especially when we are going through challenging times or feeling low. We all need a little encouragement and recommendation every now and then to keep us on course and remind us of what is truly essential in life. Christian quotes from the Bible, prayers, and wise remarks from pastors and instructors are excellent resources for finding this support. These quotes are like brief lessons in faith that can equip us with the strength we need to keep moving forward.

We have written down some quotes spoken by Jesus for you, which are going to be very useful in your life. When problems arise in life we pray to God to show us a way. That’s why we have created these beautiful quotes of Jesus for you which you can easily share with your friends. There are also images of Jesus that you can download.

Powerful Christian Quotes

christian inspirational quotes
christian inspirational quotes

The shortest distance between our issues and their answers is the gap between our knees and the floor.

God never claimed the road would be simple, but He did promise that the destination would be worthy.

You are the only Bible that some atheists will ever read.

inspirational christian quotes
inspirational christian quotes

Christianity has no meaning if it is wrong, but it has limitless meaning if it is genuine. The only thing it cannot be is somewhat significant.

God does not always give us what we want, but He always keeps His promises, leading us down the best and straightest roads to Himself.

It is not the difficulties in your life that shape or destroy you, but your reaction to them.

christian quotes inspirational
christian quotes inspirational

If you believe in a God who is in control of the major things, you must also believe in a God who is in control of the small things. Of course, we are the ones who judge if something is “small” or “large.”

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A man cannot decrease God’s splendor by refusing to worship Him any more than a maniac can extinguish the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.

We are all confronted with a series of fantastic possibilities cleverly disguised as impossible conditions.

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christian christmas quotes

The more you understand about God’s love and grace in your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the midst of a storm.

Inspirational Christian Quote

When we are most satisfied in Him, God is most exalted in us.

It is not necessary for you to believe the truth.

christian motivational quotes
christian motivational quotes

It is wonderful to be confronted with the impossible, for nothing is difficult if one is meant to do it. Wisdom and strength will be bestowed. The Lord always strengthens those He guides.

Christ was never hurried. There was no hurrying, no expecting, no worrying about what may happen. The tasks of the day were completed as they came, and the remainder was left to God.

There are numerous places in the world where you can find comfort. There is, however, only one location where you can find a hand to catch your tears and a heart to listen to your every longing. Only God can provide true tranquility.

christian quote Informational
Christian quote Informational

Circumstances may appear to devastate our lives and God’s plans, yet God is not powerless in the midst of the devastation. God’s love is still active. He comes in and triumphantly exploits the disaster to carry out His magnificent plan of love.

If you neglect the Lord, you will not pray, and the soul will not dwell in God’s love if you do not pray, for the grace of the Holy Spirit comes via prayer.

When I consider Christ’s cross, how can anything I do be considered a sacrifice?

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christian quotes about life

God’s love is most palpable when you recognize the weight of your transgressions.

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One of the Devil’s big falsehoods is that living for oneself is the way to a fulfilling existence.

Jesus Quote About Life

Essentially, you have two choices: trust or fear. It is impossible to trust God and not trust God at the same time.

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christmas quotes christian

Some of us might not have learned to pray if it hadn’t been for the trials in our lives.

Rather than seeking happiness, seek God, and happiness will find you deep within your spirit.

God’s Word is completely accurate. You may not comprehend how God will bring about what He has promised you, but He has always kept every promise He has ever made. He will never lie to you or let you down, and He will never change His mind about what He has told you.

encouraging christian quotes
encouraging christian quotes

Every life you touch, every change you make, and every prayer you pray improves the world.

Don’t pass judgment on others because we don’t know what they’re going through. It costs nothing to love and be kind.

One of the enemy’s cunning attacks on the joy of our salvation is to trap us in a cycle of self-condemnation.

quotes christian
quotes christian

Look at the old rough Cross to determine your worth.

If you sell your soul to the Devil, you will spend forever attempting to reclaim it.

Wisdom is the ability to see things from God’s perspective.

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christian quotes for women

The fact that I’m a biker does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I’m a Christian does.

If Noah had waited for rain to build an ark, the flood would have carried him away.

Forgiveness draws us closer to people who have wronged us and allows them to experience Jesus’ forgiveness and love through us who forgive them.

short christian quotes
short christian quotes

Look for treasure before you look for dirt in others.

When we confront the enemy, we face persecution. To be friends with the world is to collaborate with the same adversary.

Always shine your light; you never know who you are bringing out of the darkness.

christian quotes about faith
christian quotes about faith

Concentrating on challenges exacerbates and expands the problem. When we focus our attention on God, the problem takes on new meaning and no longer overwhelms us.

Worry does not deplete tomorrow’s sorrows; it depletes today’s strength.

What gives me the most hope every day is God’s grace; knowing that his grace will give me the fortitude to confront whatever comes my way, knowing that nothing surprises God.

christian inspirational quotes
christian inspirational quotes

If you believe in yourself, your abilities, knowledge, and dreams, your foundation will only be as strong as you are.

Encouraging Christian Quotes

Be faithful to the little things because that is where your strength lies.

Remember your identity. Make no compromises for anyone or any purpose. You are the Almighty God’s kid. That truth must be lived.

inspirational christian quotes
inspirational christian quotes

God will meet you where you are and take you where you need to go.

Faith does not remove all doubts. But trust knows where they’re going.

There is no one who is unimportant in God’s plan.

inspirational christian quotes
inspirational christian quotes

Faith is believing something BEFORE it makes sense.

So, what shall we say in response to these events? Who can be against us if God is on our side?

If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl; whatever you do, you must keep moving forward.

christian quotes inspirational
inspirational christian quotes

Never be frightened to put an unknown future in the hands of a known God.

God never claimed the journey would be simple, but He did promise that the destination would be worthy.

It is not difficult to do what everyone else is doing. A dead fish can float downstream; a living fish must swim upstream. It’s simple to be ordinary. The pressure begins when you resolve to be unusual.

christian christmas quotes
christian christmas quotes

Be fearless and strong. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God is with you. He will not abandon or abandon you.

God does not always give us what we want, but he always keeps his promises, leading us down the best and straightest roads to himself.

There are considerably better things ahead of us than the ones we leave behind.

christian motivational quotes
christian motivational quotes

When we just go through the motions of life, we never become closer to God. It needs persistence and attention to detail.

The most beautiful and best things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be experienced with the heart.

Send faith to answer the door when fear knocks. Fear is an emotion that only has the power that we give it. You can be terrified and still do what you need to do, even if you do it afraid.

christian quote Informational
christian quote Informational

The Christian believes that God will love us because we are good, rather than because He loves us.

Jesus Quotes for Women

God loves everyone of us as if we were the only one.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

christian quotes about life
christian quotes about life

Worry does not deplete tomorrow’s sorrows; it depletes today’s strength.

According to religion, ‘I obey; therefore, I am accepted.’ ‘I’m accepted, so I obey,’ says Christianity.

God’s will will never take you to a place where His grace will not protect you.

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christmas quotes christian

Every day, relying on God has to start afresh, as if nothing has been done.

God is looking for people with whom He can accomplish the impossible; it’s a shame we only plan for things we can do on our own.

Only when we are bold enough to venture into the darkness will we realize the limitless potential of our light.

encouraging christian quotes
encouraging christian quotes

Do not perform your concert first, then tune your instrument. Begin your day with the Word of God and prayer, and first and foremost, enter into Harmony with Him.

When you condemn people, you don’t have time to love them.

quotes christian
quotes christian

The brightness of a single candle cannot be extinguished by all the darkness in the earth.

If you want to know about Jesus then read this article. The Power Of Christ

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